Before Freedom Fest this year, we spent a couple of days in California. The weather was so nice! Only about 80 or so. We had a fun time with Matt, Lauren, Matti and the Clark fam.
Harry was an absolute angel. I carried him around in a baby carrier. Nathan loved every ride, except Nemo - it was too loud for him. We even took him on Matterhorn! He didn't cry, so I guess he liked it!

We went to the Independence Hall at Knott's Berry Farm first.

Robinson Fam

Skousen Fam

Nathan is ticked!

Casey Jr.

The Golden Child!

Who's leading who?

King Arthur's Carousel

Me taking a picture as I'm tripping.

It looks like I'm still tripping.

California Adventure under construction.

Nathan riding Tuck and Roll with Amy.

It hard to tell who has the bigger eyes.

Nathan wouldn't leave the cars. See the kid I cut off? It's supposed to be his turn. Nathan had a meltdown when I pulled him away.


Harry is too cool.

Daddy teaching Nathan how to shoot.

Nathan thought the dishwasher was hysterical.

Yelling at some kid to get out of his car.

Is Nathan actually posing for a picture?

Making sure no one touches the wheel.

Nathan on the Nemo subs.

We love Matterhorn!

Hahaha I look awesome.

With the Skousens.
Before we left, we had lunch with the Clarks and Matt and Lauren at the Legends restaurant.

Matti holding her baby.

This was the best picture these two would do.

Nathan drinking his ketchup. ILL

Harry likes Elvis!

I totally pushed my way into this picture. haha

Nathan was obsessed with the jukebox. Some other kid tried to come over and touch it. Of course, Nathan screamed and pushed the other kid away.
We had so much fun! I can't wait to go again!