Nathan Cannon Robinson

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Harold Christian Robinson

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christian & Karen

Where did you meet your husband?
Haha - at the dollar movie theater in Sugarhouse. Melissa Smith (Straw) made me go with her to see "Runaway Bride". I had already seen, hated it, but being the pushover that I am, I agreed to go. It was the midnight movie the Friday after Thanksgiving. We bought our tickets, then went over to Shopko to buy some candy. I also bought a black jacket (I still have it) and hid some licorice in it. He saw me in the lobby from behind and thought my hair was really pretty. Then he kept staring at me! I was so annoyed and of course flattered. I even joked to Melissa that if he didn't stop staring I was going to punch him. When we were able to go into the theater, he held the door open for us, and I marched in and didn't say a word; but of course I sat a couple of rows ahead of where he and his friends were sitting. Just to taunt him.

What was the first thing you said to your husband? He said first "Do you know what time it is?" "12:10." "Are you sure?" "Yes." It went on from there - names and stuff. When the previews started, I turned back around and before I knew it, he was right behind me! STALKER!! "Can I get your number and ask you out sometime?" "Do you have a pen?" "No." "Do you have some paper?" "No." "Do you have a good memory?" "Can I get it from you after the movie?" "Okay." So after the movie, I was hoping that he would kind of forget, but he was waiting for me!! AAHHH!! We walked us out to the car and Melissa said, "Her Grandpa is W. Cleon Skousen!" Christian didn't know who he was. hahaha good times. Then I said, "How do I know you're not some crazy-azz psycho?" He laughed and got my number and got into a BLACK TOYOTA TACOMA!! The truck I always wanted! I should have known then it was meant to be!

Where was the first date? Well, a week after we met, he called me up and asked what I was up to for the night. I told him I was going out to dinner with Melissa and my other friend, Heather Andersen (now O'Neil). I told him he could come with us. So he did and brought his friend, Brandon. They met us at Olive Garden. Then we went to see Three To Tango (Stupid movie) and then we went to Dee's for Hot Chocolate. I purposely wore my sexy short purple velvet skirt and cute clunky Mary Janes (with really tall heels). I had him hooked!

Where was the first kiss?At my apartment, 1 week and 2 days after we met. He asked if he could kiss me, and I said ok. That's all it took!

Did you have a long or short courtship/engagement? Long for Utah standards! We met in November, got engaged in April and married in July.

Where did you get engaged? I was on my way to a work meeting. Christian paged me. (Remember pagers!??!!?) I made my sister, Jenny stop so I could call him. We were at a ghetto gas station on 21st south. He asked me if I really had to go to the meeting. So I said no. Jenny was mad that I wasn't going with her and ditched me there! Hag. Christian picked me up, he blindfolded me after I got in. I was still clueless. When we got there (Garden Park Ward) I thought he was taking me out to dinner! Then he took off the blindfold and he was on his knee! So sweet! (Jenny forgave me when she found out.)

Where did you get married? Salt Lake Temple on July 21, 2000. It was so HOT!!

How did the reception go? Very nice! Of course Aunt Flo was in town and I ruined a brand new pairs of garments because I couldn't go to the bathroom in my dress - oh well. Food was good!

How was the honeymoon? FABULOUS! Disneyland and my hubby? What else could a girl want?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

DUH Mommy!!

So I've been trying to teach Nathan "All Done" with sign language. He usually just smiles patiently at me while I look like an idiot signing and saying "all done". Well last night, I was trying to feed him some potatoes. He kept shaking his head and saying "Duh duh". "Are you all done" I asked using the sign. He repeated, " Duh duh." Then it hit me like a ray of light! "Are you all DONE, Nathan?" He started laughing "duh duh duh". It only took me about 5 minutes to finally figure it out that he was teaching ME about "all done". Silly Mommy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Nasty Little Surprise!

Just so you know - if you pile up your plate at a luncheon, don't assume the chips you just picked up are plain. I did so, and much to my distaste they were Dill!! BLEH! I literally shuddered when the full taste hit my tongue. I am a super taster, you know - extrememe tastes are my not my friends. That's why I can't stand things too sour, too spicy, etc. Here's an article about it!!

This totally explains why I hate the taste of some types of water and why I can tell if someone touched green peppers and then made my Subway sandwich - bleh!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Nathan's First Bye Bye!

Just listen to his little Pee Wee Herman-ish laugh!! He's so upset that I won't give him the camera and then he says "bye bye" for the first time!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Survey

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping all the way!!
2. Real tree or Artificial? The one and only real tree I got, attacked me....NEVER again!!
3. When do you put up the tree? This year it was the Monday before Thanksgiving. Mostly because we were going to be gone all Thanksgiving weekend and I didn't want to have to come home and not have it up already.
4. When do you take the tree down? After New Year's sometime.
5. Do you like egg nog? Yes. Especially with a candy cane in it. It's good - try it!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? There were lots, but the Cabbage Patch doll I got in Christmas of '84 really stands out. Ahh '84, what a good year! We got the Strawberry Shortcake House too!!!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, a few.
8. Hardest person to buy for? No one, GIFT CARDS, people!! They work for everyone!
9. Easiest person to buy for? Nathan or Christian
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? You must mail cards!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? None
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? There's WAY too many - It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, Bishop's Wife, Home Alone, The Grinch (cartoon, please), Mickey's Christmas Carol, Scrooge (with Albert Finney), Small One (the most tender little story - it will bring tears to your eyes!!!), Mr. Krueger's Christmas, I could just go on.....
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I shop througout the year
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas gift? No.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? You name it!
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear, that way whatever color scheme I do, it goes well.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Toss up between Silent Night, Gift of Love and Let it Snow
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel to Riverton on Christmas Eve, then to Holladay on Christmas Day.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Duh...If you can't do this, you must not celebrate!!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? I like both, but right now Tinkerbell is atop my tree!
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Morning? Both. A few on Christmas Eve - like jammies and a book and couple other gifts; the rest in the morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The media that makes stuff up about this time of year. (Stores are anticipating fewer sales, oh no! Everyone run out and shop!)
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Last year I did my Oma's beautiful German gold ornaments - so pretty!! Couldn't do it this year, I had to put up Nathan friendly things!
24. Favorite Christmas dinner? Ham or turkey. This year we're doing "überlagertes Brot" German sandwiches and Werstian. LOVE IT!!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Another baby on the way would be nice. Santa, can you swing that?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Poor Little Munchkin

I freaking HATE teething!! When I have my own world, babies will not go through this hell of teething. Nathan is getting ALL 4 of his molars - I saw them today while he was sobbing when I gave him his ear infection medicine. Oh yeah, things have been that good at our house this week. Puking, diarrhea, crying, runny nose, not eating, sleepless poor baby is so pumped full of drugs, he's almost an addict!! I can't wait to get past this stage.............

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Festivus for the Rest of Us!

We had a jolly good time at the Festival of Trees!! Carter slept almost the whole time. Nathan had a fit when I put him in the stroller, until I bought him some popcorn and then all was good. He was scared to death of Santa, but loved the streamer thing Grandma Skousen bought him. The Barbie in the wheelchair is a Skousen inside joke - if you really want to know, ask me!

The Doney Fam came too!!
A Whole New World!!!

Like Carter ever sits for a photo shoot!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Nathan's Check Up

I took Nathan to his 12 month check up today. Jenny brought Carter too. We've had our appointments together the last 3 or 4 times. It's fun to compare their stats and Dr. Lindgren is so great with both of them. Carter and Nathan loved crawling/walking around in their diapers and destroying the office. Little did they know what was in store for them! 3 shots each! Chicken Pox, MMR and Flu. Poor boys. The nurse tried to bribe the babies with suckers. Of course Carter ate his. Nathan wanted nothing to do with it, so Mommy ate it for her good behavior.
Nathan's head is 49 cm (in the 94%)
His weight is only 23 pounds, 12 ounces (61%) I swear he weighs more than that!!
His height is 30.5 inches (67%). Good boy!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


I'm crying!! Our baby turns 1 on Thursday!! (Yes, on Thanksgiving!) It's so strange to think where we were only a year ago! Driving over bumps in the truck, eating spicy foods, having S, NOTHING was going to make this kid come any earlier. (By the way, all of those things are total myths - probably things some Dr. created to keep over-anxious women busy until they went into labor on their own.) Even the near melt-down I had at the hospital when Cater was born didn't do it! HAHA those who were there - remember when I called a certain someone an a-hole in front of my Dad and he didn't even lecture me about swearing?!!? He must have know better. Ahh the mems!

Anyway, Nathan's birthday was meant to be the 22nd!! I'm posting some pics so you can see him grow.....

Still can't believe he's here!!
Such a sweetie!!
1 month old
2 months old
3 months old
4 months! First time trying cereal.

5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months

10 months - at Hogle Zoo

11 months - his 3rd trip to Disneyland so far - hahaha the madness MUST begin early!

12 months!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Halloween is finally over!! I love Halloween, but it just seemed to take forever to get here this year! So on with November!! P.S. I have a love/hate relationship with Daylight Savings Time. I'm so tired today! Anyway, here's some Halloween pics. It's our Family picture, our jack-o-lanterns (Jenny and Carter's are the 2 on the right, Heidi's is the painted one, ours are the other two). That's Carter and Nathan holding hands after visiting Christian's parents and Nathan posing at the Robinson's. We also visited Christian at work. The ladies there loved Nathan. He cuddled with all the girls.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Straight Hair

So, Jenny decided to straighten my hair our last day at Disneyland. I kind of like the look of it, but I have no idea what to do with the front. I have to have bangs. No one can convince me otherwise. Christian said he REALLY liked my hair, but I'll have to do some experimenting with the front. At least my hair doesn't take much to straighten. I have -5% natural curl......

Trying to keep up with the times!

Not that I was against blogs, but I never thought I'd make one. However, the more I think about it, I better at least figure out how to make a blog spot, so here is my first attempt! Before I know it, Nathan will know more about computers than I do, so I better try to keep up!

Right now, I'm on break from work and Nathan is watching Tigger and Pooh on the Disney Channel. It's a typical weekday morning at the Robinson household. Christian's off at work and we miss him! Back to work - I'll add more later!